This report published by the FSB and the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) finds that FinTech platforms account for an increasing share of credit provision and policymakers have to consider the opportunities and risks such activity brings. Although FinTech credit markets are currently small in size relative to traditional credit markets, they are growing at a fast pace. The report analyses the nature of FinTech credit and finds wide variation in the business models of the electronic platforms involved. Platforms facilitate various forms of credit, including consumer and business lending, lending against real estate and business invoice financing. The profile of investors, which platforms match to borrowers, also differs across countries.
The report reaches a number of conclusions:
The report notes that the availability of official data on FinTech credit is limited, so most analyses of these markets rely on non-official sector sources, such as academic surveys, industry bodies and financial disclosures by FinTech companies. As a result, data availability and quality may warrant increased attention from authorities as FinTech credit markets develop.