Beat the Sheet Music

Turn your sheet music into music lessons.
Listen, play, record and share.

As featured in:

Scan & learn your favourite songs

Sheet Music Reader

Scan your sheet music, upload a sheet music PDF or photo. Our advanced sheet music reader recognizes the notes and converts them into music.

Pick an instrument

Choose from numerous instruments which one you would like to listen and practice: piano, flute, oboe, trumpet, alto sax, tenor sax, tuba, clarinet, french horn, bass, trombone or violin.

Notes and Keys

Listen to the song and follow the notes on screen. Transpose the piece to different keys. Piano players can also follow the keys on a virtual piano.

Learn at your own pace

You are in control. Set the Tempo to a slower pace so that you can practice your finger positions before learning to play the entire song. Practice with one or both hands at the same time.

Record yourself

Hit the record button and listen to your own playing. Share the audio with your music teacher and friends.

Hundreds of songs in the Gallery

Whether you like to play Pop, Classical or Jazz, the Gallery has it all. We assign a level of difficulty to the songs for you to pick the ones that are suitable to you as you build your playing skills.

What’s new

We are always releasing new features.
Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter.


Our users love Halbestunde.

This is an amazing app, I’ve been so stressed about sheet music lately cuz the church is expecting a lot of our group and I was so confused on which sheet music to pick, which one was better, but after listening to it I understand everything! Oh thanks so much to the creators!

Perfect for learning with a piece of paper that you scan on the app! The experience (when the notes are presented) could be improved.